The Sport
Shuttlecock is a traditional Asian game in which players aim to keep a shuttlecock (or feather ball) in the air using their feet and other parts of the body (but not hands, similar to football). The game goes by many names in different countries (jianzi, đá cầu, lábtoll-labda, federfussball, plumfoot, kebane, jegichagi, tot sey, gallito etc).
Shuttlecock has several styles : artistic, freestyle and competition. In competition, it's played on a court with a net in the middle similar to badminton and volleyball. In artistic and free styles, it's with a single player or among a circle of players in a street or park, with the objective to keep the shuttle ‘up’ and show off skills.
Competition develops competitive & team spirit, speed, effective & strategic skills, overcome self. Artistic is beautiful and needs good skills as well as the creativity. Freestyle is for all players, at any age, any where, between friends, with family, just spend a nice moment to play sport together.


Records date Shuttlecock kicking, Ti Jian Zi origin as far back as the Han Dynasty (206BC - 220AD). This game prevailed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when shops specializing in shuttlecocks business appeared. In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), formal competition of shuttlecock kicking was held. In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), shuttlecock kicking reached its climax in terms of both making technics and the kicking skills. Besides, it’s convenient to play, for only a very small area is needed to kick the shuttlecock, and it can be practiced just about anywhere and anytime. Read more...
Competition Rules
Official Competition Rules
The Official Rules of the Shuttlecock Sport (competition style) was made by the collaboration of Professors Zhang Guilen, Liu Tianshi and Wang Jun with Mr. Iordanis Stavridis, Mr. Ilias Zioris, Mr. Dimitrios Katakalaios of the Greek Shuttlecock Federation under the supervision of the Chinese Shuttlecock Association and the International Shuttlecock Federation secretariat. Latest additions and corrections was made by Mr. Pekka Marjamäki and the Top European Referee Mr. Terzopoulos Konstantinos. The purpose of the Official Shuttlecock Sport rules is to provide guidelines to best describe how Shuttlecock Sport is played. Since its inception, Shuttlecock Sport has relied on good sportsmanship and fair games by all players. Therefore, the players have a basic responsibility to play within…
Ver. 3.03 of the Official Shuttlecock Sport Rules was revised and finished in July 30th, 2012 and was released on August 21st, 2012 by the ISF’s Secreteriat. These rules shall govern all Shuttlecock Sport competitions around the World.
Download the latest release from here: Official Shuttlecock Sport Rules | Ver. 3.03
The Official Shuttlecock (featherball)

The Official Featherball used in the sport of Shuttlecock competition consists of 4 equal length goose or duck feathers conjoint at a plastic base. It weights approximately 15 grams. The total length of the ball is 15 to 18 cm. The feathers vary in color, in competitions the pink colored featherball is preferred.
Rules for Referees

The referee handbook is prepared by France Plumfoot during the last wordcup 2019 : Referee handbook_en.pdf
Are you ready for a shuttlecock game or to play freestyle ?